Help for Our Pallottine Sisters in Peru

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
Your compassion for the poor is an indescribable blessing! Thank you for faithfully serving Christ who comes to us in the poor.
I hope you will open your heart again for our Pallottine Sisters and Fathers who serve in an impoverished and spiritually broken community of Peru. Sister Chetna, Sister Poonam and Sister Anjana recently wrote to me describing the critical needs.
Dear Father Peter,
Life is hard here in Peru and the challenges are many; yet there is a profound joy in us – the joy arising from sharing the Good News of Jesus with the poor.
Father, in our mission, more than 30,000 people are Catholic. There are big churches here, but they are in bad condition and empty of people.
We have found that people hare are spiritually broken – broken due to a lack of the Sacraments, broken by poverty, broken by lack of education and healthcare, broken by alcoholism and homelessness, and broken by the many orphans without adequate care.
The people are really very poor and their diet of potatoes, corn and quinoa is inadequate. Families live in dirty houses that are in bad condition. People sleep on the skin of sheep. Children have very little supervision and wander aimlessly. This is the state we have stepped into.
We are finding that the people hunger and thirst for the Lord. With the collaboration of Pallottine Fathers Manoel and Edvan, people are coming to know about God through us. People are starting to come to the Church for Baptism, Confession and all the Sacraments. Recently, 40 children received the Sacrament of Confirmation! Our Fathers are always led by the missionary spirit. They proclaim the Word of God in a very simple, practical way, always encouraging people to come for Holy Mass, prayers and Sacraments.
Many new villages are inviting us for Holy Eucharist, but getting there is very difficult and dangerous. Our mission area is full of mountains and traveling is difficult. Sometimes we have to climb very high mountains or go through deep valleys. Roads are very rough, but we always experience the protection of God. We believe your prayers are very powerful and help us to stay safe and sound on our journeys.
We pray that you and your benefactors will offer prayers and support for the important work we do for the poor. We assure you Father Peter, we will do our best to bring renewal to the lives of our beloved Peruvians.
My dear friend, will you please open your heart for our missionaries by offering your prayers and a financial gift for their work? Your gift will be used to meet the urgent needs of food, shelter, hygiene, education, as well as to support the Fathers and Sisters’ work of evangelization.
When you send your gift, be sure to include your special intentions. Our priest and brothers will place your intentions in the hands of St. Jude and make sure they are remembered in our prayers and Masses at the Shrine.
My prayer is that the kindness you have shared with our ministry will be abundantly returned to you. You can continue to count on me to seek God’s hope and help on your behlf and for those who are dear to you.
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. I’ll watch for your reply to this urgent message and for your prayer requests. We are honored to pray for St. Jude’s intercession on your behalf in our prayers, novenas and Masses. I promise also to include your needs in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.