In God We Trust

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
As the July 4th holiday approaches and we’re preparing for fireworks, parades and picnics, I ask you to take a moment to remember the true meaning of this holiday: it commemorates the day our country signed the Declaration of Independence so that the “united colonies” could worship freely under God.
Since that day 241 years ago, Americans have held the abiding belief that our country and every good thing in it and about it is a gift from God. We thank God for the ideals of freedom, equality and inclusion that our country values above all else.
It’s especially important at this time in the history of our country to take pride in our ideals and to pray for unity and peace.
I know that the conflicts and strife that plague our nation and nations around the world cause many of us turmoil and fear. I hear from people every day who are troubled by what’s happening in our world. I also hear from people who worry about circumstances in their own lives that cause great stress and worry.
If you are among those who worry, please remember that desperate times call for deeper faith in God and in the Saint of Desperate Causes, St. Jude, who is always there for you.
Whatever worry or problem you may be facing – family turmoil, financial problems, health issues, bereavement or a difficult situation that causes you to lose hope – know that there is a powerful Saint who waits to answer your call for help. For whatever is weighing heavily on your heart, I encourage you to call on St. Jude.
Here are just a few inspiring testimonials that we recently received from people telling us how St. Jude changed their lives:
I was disabled in a car accident and unable to return to work. As the primary wage earner, I was desperate. I prayed to St. Jude for his intercession to find a job for my husband that would keep us afloat, allow me to continue treatment and therapy, and help him to regain his sense of self-worth. Three days of prayer later, my husband received a call saying he’d been hired as a manager of a local business. He starts work tomorrow. Thank you St. Jude! – Susan
I had been trying to save enough money to pay my real estate tax bill which was due on September 3rd. As of August 28th, I was still $2,000 short. I prayed for St. Jude’s most holy and miraculous intercession, and he answered my prayers. An unexpected source of the $2,000 was incredibly revealed to me by St. Jude. Thank you always St. Jude from the bottom of my heart. – MDB
On Thursday, June 28th, I was wrongly terminated from my job of nearly 6 years. On Friday, I started praying a Novena to St. Jude, and on the sixth day, I received news that my employer had a new position for me and that the termination would be removed from my personnel file. Thank you St. Jude for not only answering my prayers, but also for filling me with strength and comforting me during a very hard time in my life. – Audra
You, too, can benefit from St. Jude’s powerful intercession. All you need to do is believe in God and put your trust in Him just as St. Jude did.
Please let us pray with you for St. Jude’s powerful intercession in your life. Simply send us your prayer intentions. I promise you our Priests and Brothers will remember your requests in our prayers, Masses and Novenas. I also promise to include your needs in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.
Thank you for your continuing support. Your prayers and offerings enable us to continue the work of our important ministries in 54 countries around the world. Your generosity also helps to keep the doors of St. Jude Shrine open for all who seek answers to their prayers and peace of mind. Please send your most generous gift today to help where the needs are greatest..
Wishing you the Hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Your gift today helps support all our Pallottine ministries, particularly our St. Jude Shrine and the poor we serve. Please be as generous as possible and don’t forget to send your prayer requests so they may be remembered in our prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine, and on the tomb of St. Jude in the Vatican.