Journey to the Cross

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
You are a special blessing to our mission and ministry and a cherished member of our Circle of Hope. We are especially thankful for your prayers and generosity, which enable our Pallottine priests and brothers to do the work God has called us to do. Thanks to your support of our ministries around the world, we reach out to those who do not know the love of the Crucified Savior and the hope of the Resurrection – the very foundation of our Christian faith.
As we wind down our Lenten journey of fasting, praying, asking forgiveness and walking with Christ to the foot of the cross, we prepare for the wonderful day of Resurrection!

The Resurrection offers the opportunity to celebrate victory over sin and death and to rejoice in the hope that gives us new meaning, purpose and renewed spirit to shape our lives. As we prepare for the events of Holy Week and relive the glorious resurrection of Jesus, it is the perfect time to ask that our hearts be filled with the hope of the Lord’s promise.
Hope gives us unexpected strength in dark and uncertain times. Through His Resurrection, Jesus shows us that love is stronger than death… that hope prevails over our own personal darkness of illness, futility, addiction, fear of COVID and other forces that crush our spirits. Jesus has opened the doors in these dark places to the light, healing and peace of our loving God.
Easter is a new beginning and another step on the journey to everlasting life in the love and presence of God.
I know that for many of you, this past year has been a difficult one. The personal notes and letters you have written to me requesting prayers for a loved one, for a relationship in need of healing, for relief from financial pressures, humble me. Please know that we take your prayers and concerns to heart… and that we are honored to put your intentions into the hands of St. Jude and make sure they are remembered in our prayers, Novenas and Masses.
I also receive hundreds of testimonials every week telling me how St. Jude has answered prayers. I hope you’ll let St. Jude work his miracles in your life by sending your prayer requests today.
Please send your prayer requests, along with your offering to help our ministries in 54 countries around the world. Your gift of $15, $25, $35 or even $50 will provide tangible relief aid, along with the love of Christ to so many people who are waiting to hear His message of hope.
May the light of the risen Christ be your everlasting joy! Happy Easter!
In Christ, our Risen Savior,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Your Easter gift today helps support all of our ministries, particularly our St. Jude Shrine and the poor we serve around the world. Please be as generous as possible and be sure to send your prayer requests so they can be remembered in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine and on the tomb of St. Jude in the Vatican.