May is the Month of Mary

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
As a member of our Circle of Hope, you are a priceless treasure to all of us. In a world where so many people sit by and do nothing to help those crying out in need, you are one of our Lord’s champions for good – one who truly serves Christ in the poor. We are so very grateful for your love and faithful support!
For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of May to honor Mary. Not only is she the Mother of God, she is also your mother, my mother, everyone’s mother, and because she cares for all of us without fail, interceding for us in even the tiniest of matters, the Church devotes an entire month to her honor.
Just as we rely on our own mothers when we need help, we must also rely on Mary and the saints – especially St. Jude – to intercede for us before God in our times of need. Mary and St. Jude are powerful intercessors on our behalf, and we need only to ask for their assistance through prayer.
Perhaps this is a time when you need an intercessor to bring your petitions before our Lord. Are you worrying about a dear friend’s illness… or perhaps your own? Do you struggle to make ends meet… or is your child having a hard time finding a job? Whatever may be troubling you, please call on Mary and St. Jude to relieve your aching heart and fortify your faith in God.
We Pallottine priests and brothers are honored to pray for St. Jude’s help in bringing your prayer requests before God. I’ve included just a few of the many thousands of testimonials we receive every year from people giving thanks for St. Jude’s miraculous intercession.
Invoking the aid of St. Jude and the Blessed Virgin Mary brought my husband through a very critical heart procedure that we were not sure he would survive. We are not over all obstacles yet, but our help is in the name of Jesus, Mother Mary, and St. Jude.
My son was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and surgery was planned for February. He was then 18 years old. I lost my mother to a brain tumor when I was about his age. My prayers to God, Mary, Joseph and St. Jude were answered. The doctor resected the tumor, and we found out it was totally benign. Praise be to St. Jude. – Paul
I prayed to St. Jude for my son to contact me. It had been months since hearing from him. The reason why is a long story. I prayed to St. Jude to bring my son back into my life and to help me with words, actions, feelings, anything that would help me mend the relationship. I did the prayers, and five days later, my son called me. Thank you to St. Jude, Jesus, God and Mary for listening to my pleas. Please continue helping me to mend this relationship.
St. Jude has helped me over the past two years. My husband lost his job and could not get another one no matter how hard he tried. Financially, we went downhill and almost lost our house and cars. It seemed hopeless until I started praying to St. Jude and the Blessed Mother. Once I asked for St. Jude’s divine intervention, my husband got a great job, and we are getting back on our feet financially. Thank you so much St. Jude for hearing my prayers and answering me when I really needed you.
Please send me your special intentions, and in your kindness, please remember the poor in our missions in 54 countries around the world by including an offering to support our ministries.
In the month of May in which we honor Mary, the Mother of God, please pray to her often. She is our best example of love, mercy, and obedience to the Will of the Father.
Thank you for all you do for our ministries. My prayer is that the kindness you share with us will be abundantly returned to you. You can count on me to seek God’s hope and help on your behalf and those who are dear to you.
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Your gift today helps support all our Pallottine ministries, particularly our St. Jude Shrine and the poor we serve. Please be as generous as possible and don’t forget to send your prayer requests, so they may be remembered in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine and in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.