Our Newest Seminarian

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
As you know, the journey to serve God and the Church as a Pallottine priest or brother is preceded with years of prayer, discernment, formation and education. I am honored to tell you about a young man who recently began that journey.
Sean Phillips, 28, a native of Doylestown, PA, graduated from the Catholic University of America and the University of Notre Dame, where he received a master’s degree in history. While Sean originally chose an academic career path, he changed course when he was introduced to the Pallottines while at the Catholic University.
“I was introduced to the Pallottines through a personal relationship with Father Frank Donio, a Pallottine priest who serves as chaplain of the campus Knights of Columbus council. He was a great influence on me and helped me build a life of faith. Through him, I was introduced to the Pallottine order.”
In addition to faith formation and charitable service, Sean, together, with Fr. Frank, started a group for men discerning a vocation. Ten men out of that group are now studying for priesthood or religious life, including two for the Pallottines.
“Sean is a wonderful student who is now going to take what he’s been given by God and follow in St. Vincent Pallotti’s footsteps,” says Father Frank. “When he learned about our founder, Sean decided that he wanted to communicate the message of Christ to the world.”
St. Vincent Pallotti was a teacher, mentor and chaplain. He had a small group of followers that grew into our religious community of priests and brothers, now called the Pallottines. Without St. Vincent Pallotti and his followers, St. Jude Shrine would not exist. Pallotti’s motto was “The Charity of Christ Urges Us On”.
Sean will begin the postulancy, or first year of studies as a Pallottine, in August. “I hope to use the talents I have for the service of God, and to become a pastor and teacher”, says Sean.
We are proud of Sean and are hopeful for his future and what he can bring to the life of the Church.
I ask you to help us in two ways. First, please pray for Sean. We need your prayerful support for his vocation. We believe Sean has been led to us by the power of the Holy Spirit, and we are grateful. Please use the enclosed prayer card, which features a special prayer to pray for Sean and all those pursuing a religious vocation.
I also ask for your support for our formation programs around the world. Training Pallottine priests and brothers who will serve with strength and gentleness requires extensive education. Please consider a gift to help educate all the young men in formation around the world. With your help, we Pallottines will continue to provide holy and devoted ministers in the service of Christ and His Church.
When you send your gift, please be sure to send us your intentions. We look forward to remembering them in our prayers and at our Novenas and Masses. I promise also to include your needs in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.,
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Your gift today will help support the many young men in our formation programs around the world. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you.