Powerful Testimonies to St. Jude

Your generosity continues to help us bring Christ’s love to the poor and minister to all those seeking hope. You are a special blessing for us! Thank you!
St. Jude reminds us that we grow strong in our faith when we pray to the Holy Spirit. He tells us to persevere in our love of God. As an apostle, he converted many people and in his preaching helped the early Christians who were being persecuted. Perhaps that explains why St. Jude has always been thought of as our patron saint of impossible causes.
I have included some testimonies we received from people who asked St. Jude to intercede for them in their time of need:
Our son was in a terrible accident and had a severe traumatic brain injury which left him in a coma and in critical condition. He was in the hospital for 47 days. Following our Novena to St. Jude, our son immediately started to recover quickly and is now back at work. We are so grateful to St. Jude and highly recommend praying to St. Jude for anyone going through difficult times. – Roy & Janie in TX
I am a triple cancer survivor, having had a tumor on my right kidney removed over 25 years ago, prostate cancer over 6 years ago, and a brush with skin cancer more recently. Thank you everybody for all your prayers, and thank you God and St. Jude for hearing them. It’s strange; I’m not Catholic, nor even a regular churchgoer, but I have come to believe in the powers of St. Jude. Thank you. – Peter in MD
Recently I had been suffering from an anxiety disorder that at times paralyzed me. During my recent move, I came across my St. Jude Novena prayer and began to pray. I felt that I had reached the end. Within moments of praying this Novena, I felt great relief and the darkness lifting. I continue to pray this Novena daily, and I once again look forward to what God has planned for me. It is with a great and renewed spirit that I honor you and profess my devotion to you. – Megan in TX
My son is a heroin addict. I have taken him many times to try to get him into rehab. I started saying the prayer to St. Jude, and today, the ninth day, I said the prayer, Josh got up, walked to intake and stayed until they took him to detox. Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayer. – A desperate mom in PA
Thank you, St. Jude, for interceding on my behalf. My husband and I found out today that I am pregnant after many years of trying. I will encourage devotion to you always. – M.P.M. in CA
With the help of St. Jude, these individuals had their seemingly impossible prayers answered and found hope. With St. Jude, all things are possible!
I ask you to visit our testimonials page and send us your own St. Jude testimonial. Perhaps you were asking St. Jude to intercede for you or a loved one. Maybe you were out of work and needed a job to support your family. Perhaps a dear friend was struggling with an addiction or in desperate need of hope. Your testimony is important to us and is an opportunity to thank St. Jude for his intercession in your life.
St. Jude Shrine in Baltimore is the Nationwide Center of St. Jude Devotions. Our Pallottine Fathers and Brothers have continuously served here for more than 80 years. Our motto: “The Love of Christ Urges Us On” is the basis for all that we do serving the poor and the needy.
Thanks to you, we are able to continue the work of our important ministries in 46 countries around the world including right here at home. From delivering food, clean water, and medicine, to educating the poor and caring for orphans, your blessings bring hope where there has been very little. Your generosity also helps to keep the doors of St. Jude Shrine open for anyone seeking answers to their prayers and peace of mind. Your support is needed right now to help us offer hope to people who are troubled and hurting.
I humbly ask you to visit our petitions page and send us your prayer intentions. I assure you our Priests and Brothers will remember them in prayer during our Masses and Novenas. I also promise to include your needs in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.
We are committed to helping people heal physically and spiritually. Whatever you can do – whatever gift is right for you today – will help us continue our ministries where the needs are so very great. Thank you for your kindness.
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Please accept our invitation to send us one of your testimonies. We will have a special prayer of thanksgiving to St. Jude in your honor. I also ask that you be as generous as possible. Please don’t forget to send us your prayer requests so they may be remembered at our Shrine.