St. Jude – Hope for the World

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
You may have concerns about the ongoing problems facing our country, like many people I hear from every day. Many are troubled by the economy and unemployment. Others are concerned about their physical and emotional health, including addiction, stress and anxiety. Still others worry about the education of our young people and the ongoing effects of COVID-19. Overall, there is a lot of uncertainty and fear for our future generations.
I hear from people every day who are anxious about the conflicts and strife that plague both our nation and world. I also hear from people who worry about circumstances in their own lives that cause great stress.

If you are among those who worry, please remember that desperate times call for a deeper faith in God and in our beloved St. Jude, Saint of Hopeless Causes.
Whatever worry or problem you may be facing – family turmoil, financial problems, health issues, bereavement or a difficult situation that causes you to lose hope – know there is a powerful Saint who waits to answer your call for help. For whatever is weighing heavily on your heart, I encourage you to call on St. Jude.
Here are just a few inspiring testimonials that we recently received from people telling how St. Jude changed their lives.
On the night of May 25th, I was the victim of a robbery at gunpoint outside my apartment and then held prisoner while my home was plundered by evil men. A few times I thought I was going to get it in the back of the head. To my surprise, they left me unharmed. Later, to my horror, I found out that their other victims weren’t so lucky. I know that St. Jude had been looking out for me in my trial. Now, I pray to him constantly.
I will forever be thankful to St. Jude for saving my son from drugs and alcohol. He spent time in jail, and it was then that he found the Lord and prayed to St. Jude daily. He attended Mass every Sunday and Wednesday and started to read the bible. He helped others in need with his testimonial and personal experience. I prayed to St. Jude for his intervention, and although it has been a difficult journey for our family, we can see the hand of St. Jude in all we endured. My son still has a long road ahead of him, but now more than ever, I know that with the intervention of St. Jude in his life, he will be able to put all this behind him and start a new life.
Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers. My son was laid off and unemployed for three years. I prayed to St. Jude for his help because it was a very difficult time for my son and his family. He applied for many jobs and was in the top three several times. Last month, he applied for an excellent position in which he had 25 years of experience, but there were 40 other applicants. After much prayer to St. Jude, he was hired. He is now making an excellent salary which will help him pay off his debts. Thank you St. Jude for your intercession. I will continue to pray to St. Jude that my son will succeed and remain in this job until his retirement. God bless you St. Jude.
You, too, can benefit from St. Jude’s powerful intercession. All you need to do is believe in God and put your trust in Him, just as St. Jude did.
Please let us pray with you for St. Jude’s intercession in your life. Simply send us your prayer intentions. I promise you our Priests and Brothers will remember your requests in our prayers, Masses and Novenas. I also promise to include your needs in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.
When you send your requests, may I humbly ask that you consider an offering for the poor in our missions in 54 countries around the world? Your gift of $15, $25, $35 or even $50 will provide tangible relief aid, such as food, medicine, clean drinking water and shelter… along with the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Your generosity also helps to keep the doors of St. Jude Shrine open for all who seek answers to their prayers and peace of mind. Thank you!
Wishing you the Hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Please send your prayer requests along with your most generous gift today. I will make sure your prayer requests are remembered in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine and on the tomb of St. Jude in the Vatican.