St. Jude Shrine – A Beacon of Hope

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
I know this is a difficult time for you and your family. Please know that you are not alone. In fact, even though the state of Maryland has closed our beloved Shrine, our priests and brothers remain committed to your spiritual care now more than ever!
During this time of great challenges, we all need God in our lives and hope in our hearts… so please take comfort in knowing that every day we will be praying for your health, safety, comfort and peace. Also, we are honored to pray for your special intentions. Please send your prayer requests so that we can pray for St. Jude’s powerful intercession in bringing your prayer requests before God. Even though our doors are temporarily closed and Masses suspended, we are here for you no matter what!
Our cherished Shrine is closed for the short term, but this crisis will pass and our doors again will be open to the faithful. This “down time” presents an opportunity to have some needed repairs made, and I prayerfully ask for your help to do them.
Some of the most urgent repairs include replacing damaged floors and stairs, replacing damaged ceiling tiles and baseboard floor trim, and painting our beautiful interior walls.
I prayerfully ask for your help to make these urgent repairs. Our majestic Shrine has weathered 103 years beautifully, thanks to you and everyone in our Circle of Hope who answers the call when a need arises. It is my sincere hope that you will help again with these repairs.
Your gift will also help us reach out to the poor through our ministries of hope in 54 countries around the world including right here in the United States. Thanks to you, we are able to provide tangible relief aid to the poor, including food, shelter, medicine and clean water… along with the love of Jesus Christ.
With your continuing support, our Shrine will be able to bring the hope of St. Jude and the love of Christ to thousands of visitors every year. We will continue to welcome people from all walks of life, religions and backgrounds and offer them faith, hope and peace. I have attached a link to a Washington Post article written by one of these people,which serves as a testament to the solace that can be found in our beloved Shrine.
Please send your offering today to keep St. Jude Shrine a beacon of hope… a safe harbor… a port in a storm. Our doors will open again, and thanks to you, we will be ready to receive all who enter and to offer them hope, healing and peace of mind.
In the meantime, please know that our priests and brothers, and of course, St. Jude, are all here for you. We are praying for you daily… and I will watch my email for your special prayer requests.
You can count on me to personally seek God’s hope and help on your behalf and those who are dear to you. Also, when I say my prayers, please know that some of my most thankful prayers to God will be for you.
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Please send your prayer requests along with your most generous gift today. I will make sure your prayer requests are remembered in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine and in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.