Thank God for Our Country

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
I ask you to take a moment during your Independence Day celebration on July 4th to remember with me that our country was colonized out of a need for people to worship freely, and God is the guiding light of our nation.
Since that first American Revolution, Americans have held the abiding belief that our country and every good thing in it and about it is a gift from God. We thank God for the ideals of freedom, equality and inclusion that our country seeks to have.
I hope you will join me in a prayer for freedom, security and peace in our nation:
God our Father, you guide everything in wisdom and love. Accept these prayers we offer for our nation. In your goodness, watch over those in authority so people everywhere may enjoy Freedom, Security, and Peace. We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know that the conflicts and strife that plague our nation and nations around the world cause many of us turmoil and fear. If you are among those who worry, please remember that desperate times call for deeper faith and the Saint of Desperate Causes, St. Jude, who is always there for you.
Whatever worry or problem you may be facing – be it financial, health, bereavement, or a difficult situation that causes you to lose hope – know that there is a powerful Saint who waits to answer your call for help. For whatever is weighing heavily on your heart, I encourage you to call on St. Jude.
Here are a few inspiring testimonials that we recently received from people telling us of their experience…
St. Jude is always there in our most desperate hours to help strengthen our prayers and to intercede on our behalf with the Holy Father. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that his help is near and always available. I hope that others will know that St. Jude is a special gift to us by our Heavenly Father. – Chris.
Thank you St. Jude for the wonderful intercession you have blessed my life with. You have always answered my prayers and I am so very grateful to you for helping me overcome my fears and troubles. I will always honor St. Jude as my special and powerful patron. Thank you St. Jude. – Susy
Thank you St. Jude. I’m not sure if my prayers have been answered yet, but just knowing that you are with me and guiding me during this time is a blessing in itself. Continue to hold my hand. Lead me in the way of God’s name. Patch my heart and continue to soothe my nerves. Teach me to let go and be at peace. – Millie
Thank you St. Jude for your help in my recent life dilemmmas. I have been having a lot of upheaval and turmoil in my family. St. Jude has helped me to sort it all out and gain some mental and spiritual peace. Thank you St. Jude. – Mary Ann
As you can see from these testimonials, our patron saint of hope steps in to help those who call on him. All you have to do is believe in God and put your trust in Him, just as St. Jude did.
Thank you for your continuing support. Your prayers and offerings enable us to continue the work of our important ministries in 46 countries around the world and here at home. Your generosity also helps to keep the doors of St. Jude Shrine open for anyone seeking answers to their prayers and peace of mind. Please send you most generous gift today to help where the needs are greatest.
When you send your gift, please also send us your prayer intentions. I assure you our Priests and Brothers will remember them in prayer during our Masses and Novenas. I also promise to include your needs in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. When you send your gift, please be sure to send your prayer requests so they can be remembered in the prayers and Masses at our Shrine and on the tomb of St. Jude in the Vatican.