The Christmas Hope of Mary

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
What inspiring words for us to hear as we begin our Christmas preparations!
Every day, we hear about people looking for hope – for COVID to dissipate, for a vaccine or a reliable treatment, for more businesses to open safely, and for new jobs for people who lost their livelihoods. Unfortunately, we do not know if or when any of these “hopes” will turn into reality.
As Christians, we can be assured that there is always hope for us… the hope that Mary carried in her heart – the hope of God that can bring us peace.
We can also count on the hope of our beloved St. Jude. Through his intercession, we can ask God to help us have hope in our hearts like Mary. As we gaze upon beautiful Nativity scenes in our churches, homes, or on holiday cards, we are reminded how God is the source of our hope. He can comfort us in our uneasiness and light a path out of the darkness.

Since the isolation of the pandemic started, many of us are missing the personal connections of loved ones and friends. Families are struggling with the decision to have family get-togethers. We want to celebrate the Holy Season with others, just as we’ve always done, but we don’t feel comfortable with a Christmas meal at one table or the traditional gathering of friends by the tree.
At this time of year when we especially need “warm hearts and an abundance of human kindness” to share the love and joy of the season, many of us must come to terms with the “new normal” of masks and distancing that will extend into the Christmas season and beyond.
I’m here to remind you that even though we may have a blue Christmas without those we love nearby, we are not really alone. Remember that as Christians, we are people of hope, grounded in faith that God is always with us. Keep foremost in your heart that hope prevails in the coming of our newborn Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Know, too, that St. Jude stands ready to answer your call with his promise of hope.
If you, or someone you love, could use St. Jude’s incredible intercession, particularly during this Holy Season, please let us help. Maybe a loved one needs St. Jude for healing… or help with loneliness and depression. Or perhaps a son or daughter is dealing with a desperate financial situation or unemployment. Or maybe you need help in some aspect of your life. If so, please put your trust in St. Jude as so many others have done.
We are honored to call upon St. Jude’s powerful intercession for those in your life who need help and hope. Simply write your intentions on the enclosed reply and send it in the envelope provided. Your petitions will be lovingly remembered in prayer during our novenas and Masses throughout the Christmas season.
As we welcome your intentions, I ask that you open your heart and good will to include a Christmas offering for our ministries of hope in 54 countries around the world. Your gift will help provide tangible relief aid to the poor, including food, clothing, medicine and clean water… along with the love and hope of Jesus.
May your Christmas be filled with the hope of our Newborn King!
Wishing you the hope of our Savior,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C. Novena Director
P.S. Please send your prayer requests along with your most generous gift today. I will make sure your prayer requests are remembered in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine and in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.
P.P.S. Don’t forget to live stream our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses on our website, Facebook and YouTube.